Here’s where you’ll find all your VIRTUAL SESSION videos and check in requests!
You can also access them directly via your email or google drive share folder
Day 12: The Most Gauntlet Gauntlet
you need: dumbbells, slam ball, mat
check in: dumbbell burpee (side view preferably), deadlift, ball slam or modification
Day 11: Tabata Booty 8/18
you need: moderate dumbbells, Kettlebell swings
check in: deadlift, bent over row, hip opener, bridge
Day 10: Core & More 8/16
you need: light dumbbells, moderate dumbbells
check in: plank to forearm plank, fly, tricep lift, bicycles
Day 9: Regroup & Recharge 8/11
you need: kettlebell(s) or dumbbells, mat
check in: oblique tilt, forward lunge, dead bug, dead stop swing
Day 8: Basic & Brutal 8/9
you need: dumbbells + mat
optional: ball
check in: tricep extension, side lunge, ski swings
Day 7: Unilateral Cross Body Connections 8/4
you need:
dumbbell, kettlebell, medicine ball, mat
check in: cross body deadlift to high pull, squat clean to back lunge, half kneeling wood chop, table top pass thru + kick, kettlebell swing
Day 6: Build Up Combos 8/2
you need: dumbbells
check in: bent over row, snatch, curtsy lunge, dumbbell burpee
Day 5: Single Dumbbell Circuit 7/28
You need: single dumbbell
optional: kettlebell, medicine ball
Check in: walk out to push up, Leg lift chest press + toe reach
Bridge + overhead extension
Day 4: Total Body Combos 7/26
You need: dumbbells
Check in: burpee to swing, plank row, snatch to windmill
Day 3: Yoga Sculpt 7/14
you need: light weights + mat
check in: split lunge, bride, roll up
Day 2: Isolated Muscle Group Circuits 7/12
you need: dumbbells
optional: kettlebell
check in:
tricep extension, halo, plank knee taps, forearm plank
Squat + Deadlift focus 7/7
you need: dumbbells, mat
optional: kettlebell
check in: deadlift to upright row, sumo deadlift to goblet squat, ankle grabbers, Russian twist or alternate option
March Session
Were you a March Member? Access your videos here!
November Session
Did you do the November session? Here’s your videos!
August Session
Were you a August Member? Access your videos here!
January Session
Were you a January Member? Access your videos here!
September & October Session
Did you do the September session? Here’s your videos!