Total Body Triple Sets 11/29
Warm up: 30s work 15s transition 3x
Plank Pass to Blast Off
Roll up + Raise
Squat hop *step, curb, stair, etc
Perform each Set of Triple Sets 5x before moving on to next set
Ball Triple Set: 30s intervals, rest at end
Plank Elbow Roll
Kneeling push press to slam
Scissor Jack
Leg Triple Set - can be done with low elevation or on floor, can be done with weights or no weights -
30s work, rest at end
Squat to narrow squat
Back lunge
Hop pivot
Kettlebell Triple Set - can be done with heavier dumbbell -
30s work, rest at end
Deadlift to single arm row
Figure 8 squat hold
Kettlebell swing