Summer Session
These classes are only for paying Members
You can purchase this session for your On Demand library in the shop under Summer Session - videos only
Day 12: Supersets 7/15
you need: dumbbells
can add: kettlebell *highly recommend if you have
helpful equipment: step or elevated surface for planks
check in: deadlift clean press, squat to upright row, back lunge to halo
Day 11: Dynamic Combo
Circuits 7/13
you need: dumbbells
can add: mini band
check in: forward lunge with alternating press, squat to standing windmill, plank row to side plank, tricep dip to knee raise
Day 10: Leg Day 7/8
you need: dumbbells
you can add: kettlebell, chair, mini band, ankle weights
check in: sumo deadlift, deadlift to squat switch, single leg deadlift to back lunge, split lunge
Day 9: Muscle Group Circuits 7/6
you need: dumbbells
can add: step for cardio
check in: row, deadlift to good morning, leg lift
Day 8: Triple Drop Sets 7/3
you need: dumbbells
check in: 3/4 squat, deadlift to row to snatch, Russian twist, lunge + wood chop
Day 7: Upper Body Focus 7/1
You need: dumbbells
You can add: kettlebell, mini band, step
Check in: squat + curl at bottom, burpee + push up, Everest climbers
Day 6 : Total Body Combos + active rest
you need: dumbbells
you can add: kettlebell & step
check in: side lunge switch, plank pass + toner, deadlift to Uprow
Day 5: Complex Combos 6/22
you need: dumbbells, kettlebell
check in: deadlift to squat to overhead forward lunge, sumo deadlift to side lunge, plank Tricep kickback
Day 4: Abs & Ass 6/17
You need: dumbbells - optional: mini band
Check in: Plank kickback, side lunge switch, curtsy lunge
Day 3: upper body
emphasis 6/15
you need: dumbbells, no bigger than 15lbs
check in: deadlift to tricep lift, back lunge curl, snatch to forward lunge
*please show me front and side angles for lunges
Day 2: lower body emphasis 6/10
You need: dumbbells *optional: mini bands
Check in: forward lunge to back lunge, deadlift to good morning
Day 1: upper body emphasis 6/8
you need: dumbbells
check in: squat to back lunge, deadlift to row, plank row, leg lift or variation
March Session
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November Session
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August Session
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January Session
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September & October Session
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