November Session.
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12/11: Hip thrusts, step ups, kickbacks
LAST CLASS OF THE SESSION! Putting all our booty work to the test and adding in some advanced moves. *plenty of options offered*We have worked 6 weeks to get to some next level shit and here we are.
You need: elevated surface, weights, band
Check in:
Hip thrust - or variation
Step up or split lunge
Side step up or side lunge
Kick back
12/9: Balance & Agility
Get ready to put your body and mind to the test. You are physically capable of everything we do in this class but you have to let yourself go there mentally. Balance and agility are the main types of fitness I see the most insecurity in. You have to push past that and take yourself seriously. You can do this!
You need: ball or single dumbbell
Check in: single leg deadlift slam, half kneeling chop slam, bound slam
12/7: Back, Chest, Core Cardio
Last upper body class of the session! We’re kind of working it all but with an emphasis on the back and chest. We also spice things up with some core cardio! Lots of check ins because the technically of these moves is super important.
You need: dumbbells, ball
Check in: bent over wide row, wide chest press, table top front raise, straight leg twist + over head raise, hip lift rock
12/4: Squats & Deadlifts
At the end of our session here so its time to put what we’ve learned so far to use! Doing squats working on time under tension, deadlifts working on isolating the leg muscles, and then combining things together. New move in our cardio finisher and its super fun once you get it! No jumping today so nice and low impact. Grab those heavy weights people!
You need: All equipment
Check in: Slow Squats, 1 + 1/2 deadlift, Deadlift to squat, Swing to squat or squat swing
12/2: Total Body Supersets
You all are loving these circuit classes so I am listening! Here’s some superset circuits that work it all and get our heart rate up with just the use of weights - my favorite!
You need: All required equipment
Check in: Single leg deadlift to halo, Plank lunge row or modification, Burpee lunge clean press.
11/30: Shoulders, biceps, abs
Straight workin our shoulders and biceps! Working on slow and concentrated movements to isolate the specific muscles rather than using momentum. Then we really hit the abs before finishing with cardio.
You need: Dumbbells, Band, Ball
Check in: Lateral raise, concentration curl, forearm plank
11/25: Lunges
Lunges, lunges, and nothing but lunges!! We DO have a lovely dynamic warm up to stretch and activate our sore muscles. We’ve been working HARD! So enjoy that before we get to werrrk. * special KOBE tribute in the cardio!*
You need: Weights
Check In: Forward lunge, Side lunge, Curtsy lunge
11/24: Total Body: Circuit Stations
Loving these circuit training workouts! I hope you are too! Today we start with a super focused activation warm up using our mini band - pregnant & postpartum modifications demonstrated.
We get to our main circuit with 4 moves using all equipment in rotation. Get in a touch of abs and finish with our cardio finisher!
You need: Elevated surface & all required equipment
Check in: Elevated plank toner, Bear pull thru, Hip opener crunch
11/23: Upper Body Push Day: Chest, Back , Triceps
This class is all about the PUSH movements, so we are working our chest, back and triceps - and of course always a touch of abs! Remember to always focus on form rather than speed during our weight sets and challenge yourself to use heavier weights for progressive overload. You’ll also get your optional cardio burst in this one, and its even added throughout the class.
You need: Weights, Band
Check in:
Push up of choice, Skull crusher, Kneeling or bent over fly
11/20: Hamstrings
It’s hamstring day which means deadlifts and we are getting pretty technical here. Deadlifts work primarily the hamstrings but they also work more muscles in the body than any other exercise. So we are going to work on warming up the back, lats, and glutes as well as activate the hamstrings. Deadlifts are one of those things that just take practice, practice, practice. Thats why we do them all the time and spend a lot of time working proper form.
You Need: Dumbbells, Kettlebell
Check In: Good Morning Deadlift, Single Leg Good Morning, Kettlebell Swing
11/18: Total Body: Circuit Supersets
Time for some total body Metabolic Conditioning! Get all your equipment on the deck because we’re doing this class circuit style! If you don’t have everything you need, don’t worry too much, you can modify or substitute. This one is a calorie torcher so get ready.
You Need: 1 dumbbell, Kettlebell, Ball, Band
Check In: Snatch, In & Out Bear, Plank Burpee
11/16: When we’re done your shoulders are gonna fee as heavy as boulders and you’ll never want to do a plank again! But trust me when I tell you, you will feel strong and accomplished.
You need: Weights, Ball
Check In: One press set, Front raise, Lateral raise (hand position your choice), plank toner.
Yes, a lot of check in moves, but it’s super important for me to see your form on all these.
11/13: Hip Thrusts & Bridges
Nothin but booty goin’ on in this class! Working on perfecting our thrust form for maximum glute contraction for maximum glute gains! Don’t care about having an aesthetically bug butt? Strengthening your glutes helps your hip flexors, back and core and it’s the largest muscle on your body so it’s the largest muscle on your body so it’s very important!!! And especially for women, this is a lift where we can really load on the weight!!
Check Ins: Bodyweight Hip Thrust, Weighted Hip Thrust, Bridge
11/11: Total Body
Working it all in this class, but an extra emphasis on the abs and core! Light dumbbells are suggested for this so if you only have one set of weights maybe get some cans ready! You can also add your mini band for extra oomph!
Check Ins: Mountain climber, Donkey kick, Seated around the world
11/9: Biceps, Triceps, Abs
This one will bring on a major burn in the biceps, triceps, and abs. Keeping it simple but spicy here all you need is your dumbbells and ball.
Check Ins: Bicep curl, Tricep kickback, Tricep dip
11/6: Squats
Today is all about squats and nothing but squats. We’re working with 3 different foot positions to work different angles of the legs and booty. The goal for our squats is to use our heaviest weight we can while maintaining proper form so get those dumbbells and kettlebell on deck. Don’t forget, your mini band adds weight as well. It adds resistance making your body work harder to move against it but it also adds weight!
You Need: Weights, Mini band
Check Ins: (One interval of each) Sumo squat, Standard squat, Narrow squat
11/4: Total Body Cirtcuits
Our first Total Body class and we’re doing circuits!! We’re working everything head to toe using all our equipment! Plus a lovely dynamic mobility warm up that feels so good after our upper body class.
Check Ins: Deadlift uprow, Plank tuck or modification, Kettlebell swings
11/2: Back & Obliques
Here we go, workout #1 for November! Starting off with upper body, with our main focus being our back and obliques! This class is all about being controlled and focused to make sure you’re engaging every muscle as well as you can.
You need: Dumbbells, Kettlebell, Ball
Check In: Single Arm Row, Bent Over Row, Bird Dog Row + Kickback