March Session.
*These classes are only for paying Members, non-paying Members will not have access into class.
4/2: Lower Body - Hip Thrusts, Lunges, Donkey Kicks
You need: all equipment + high & low elevated surface
Check in: hip thrust, side lunge, curtsy lunge, donkey kick
3/31: Total Body - Supersets
You need: all equipment - mini band, kettlebell, ball, dumbbells
Check in: squat to uprow, wood chop slam or variation, lateral plank commando, ski swing
3/29: Upper Body - 10 Move Circuit
You need: dumbbells (8-15lbs rec), kettlebell, ball
Check in: Half kneeling windmill, single leg scissor lift, laying dumbbell to skull crusher
3/26: Lower Body - Deadlifts, Squats, Step Ups
You need: dumbbells, kettlebell, elevated surface - ie: chair, bench, coffee table, couch
Check in: deadlift to squat, deadlift to squat bottom shift, step up, step up to back lunge
3/24: Total Body - Combos
You need: all equipment - moderate weight
Check in: all 5 moves from our main circuit
curtsy to curl squat, side lunge row, bound slam back pedal or variation, forward lunge to halo, single leg deadlift clean press
3/22: Upper Body - Back, Triceps, Shoulders, Abs
You need: dumbbells. If you have a variety get them all out. Lighter dumbbells or weights suggested for shoulders - even cans or bottles work
Check in: push up, bent over row to raise, press to tricep extension, front raise lateral raise
3/19: Lower Body - Quads
You need: weights and mini band
Check in: sumo squat, standard squat, narrow, squat, kneeling squat
3/17: Total Body Circuit
you need all your equipment: band, ball, dumbbells, kettlebell
check in: deadlift squat press
table top punch to kickback
side lunge to back lunge with weight switch
3/15: Upper Body - CORE
You need: all your equipment
Check in: standing tilt + knee raise
dead bug alternating arms and legs - bodyweight
praying mantis
3/12: Lower Body - Hamstrings
You need: kettlebell, dumbbells, mini band
Check in: good morning, deadlift, single leg deadlift, kettlebell swing
3/10: Total Body - Triple Set Combos
You need: dumbbells *ball optional
Check in will be all final combo moves in each circuit:
Deadlift press to forward lunge
Plank row to squat curl
Lat pull over + bridge to sit up raise
Chest press toe reach to leg lift
3/8: Upper Body - Shoulders, Triceps, Abs
You need: light dumbbells & ball
Check in: overhand raise
half around the world to rotation (2nd move, 2nd circuit)
tricep kickback
tricep dip
3/5: Lower Body - Hip Thrust & Curtsy Lunges
You need: elevated surface, weights, mini band
Check in: thrust or bridge variation
body weight thrust, weighted thrust, single leg thrust, curtsy lunge
3/3: Total Body - Combination Build Up
You need: dumbbells & kettlebell
Check in:
Side lunge front raise
Plank pass knee toner - or modification
Back lunge curl press
Deadlift up row
Squat cross crunch - or modification
3/1: Upper - Back, Biceps, Burpees
You need: dumbbells (can also use barbell for bent over rows)
Check in:
Table top single arm row, bent over row, burpee