Here’s where you’ll find all your AUGUST SUMMER SESSION videos and check in requests!
You can also access them directly via your email or google drive share folder
9/9: Final Class - Lower Body
you need: dumbbells
can add: mini band, kettlebell
check in: bear crawl, side lunge back lunge + knee raises
9/7: Arms & Abs
You need: dumbbell, ball, mat
Can add: kettlebell
Check In: Squat to ball toss to slam
Alternating burpee snatch
Alt single arm row single arm lift
Halo to Tricep extension
9/2: Big Booty Circuit
you need: dumbbells, kettlebell, mat or folded towel
can add: mini band
check in: kneeling thrust, hang squat to goblet squat, Side lunge 2s hold.
8/31: Total Body
Triple Sets
you need: ball, kettlebell, dumbbells
check in: press lunge, deadlift to squat bottom range switch, skull crusher bridge to sit up
8/26: Lower Body - Lunge focus
you need: dumbbells
can add: mini band, sliders, step or elevated surface
check in: curtsy lunge, split lunge, skaters
8/24: Arms & Abs
you need: dumbbells, kettlebell, ball
check in: devils press (burpee to snatch), single arm bent over row to upright row, around the world pass, Russian slam (or twist)
8/19: Supersets
you need: kettlebell, ball, dumbbell
check in: deadlift squat press, dead stop swing or swing, squat to halo, plank row burpee
8/17: Build Up Combos
you need: dumbbells
can add: ball, kettlebell, mini band, step
check in: press to alternating knee raise, single leg deadlift, bear pass
8/12: Abs & Ass
you need: dumbbells
can add: mini band, ball, kettlebell, ankle weights
check in: sumo squat to windmill, narrow squat to tilt, single leg bridge hold + leg lift
8/10: Buns & Guns
You need: dumbbells, ball
Check in: forward lunge, squat pop to stand, squat to alternating snatch
8/5: Lower Body - Inner & Outer Thighs
you need: kettlebell, dumbbells
can add: mini band, ball, inch high elevated surface, chair or other balance assistance
check in: squat to back lunge, curtsy lunge, narrow squat to abduction, 3/4 squat
8/3: Muscle Focus Groups -
Shoulders, Hamstrings,
you need: dumbbells, kettlebell, ball
*substitutions demoed week 1
can add: sliders, big loop band, step
check in: upright row, deadlift, plank pass, swing
March Session
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November Session
Did you do the November session? Here’s your videos!
August Session
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January Session
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September & October Session
Did you do the September session? Here’s your videos!