Here’s where you’ll find all your LEVEL 2 videos and check in requests!
You can also access your videos directly via email inbox!
5/24: Upper Body - Fire Finish
You need: dumbbells, big band, ball
Check in: snatch, ski swing, v-sit
5/21: Lower Body Pyramid Drop Sets
you need: 3 different sizes weights, mini band, kettlebell
check in: send me a message with what weights you used!
5/19: Unilateral Total Body
you need: step, dumbbells, sliders, mini band
check in: step up leg abduction + curl to back lunge with curl, plank row to snatch, kickstand kneel press to tilt
5/17: Back, Balance, Obliques
you need: chair (couch, coffee table), dumbbells, step, big bands, ball
check in: seated row, banded row, single arm row, alternating dead bug
5/14: Lower Body - 280 rep EMOM
You need: heavy weights, kettlebell, mini band
Check in: 1 set of every move
5/12: Total Body Circuit Stations
you need: step, dumbbells, kettlebell, ball, sliders
check in: plank to bent over row, sliding side lunge press or side lunge press, squat to up row squat to swing
5/10: Triceps, Biceps, Abs
You need: step, dumbbells, sliders
5/7: Lower Body - Unilateral Legs
you need: mini band, dumbbells, step, kettlebell
check in: Bulgarian split squat, offset squat, forward lunge to side lunge, box jump or variation
5/5: Total Body on Fuego
you need:
dumbbells (10-15lb recommended)
check in: deadlift to snatch, side lunge row, step jack burpee, donkey hop over
4/30: Lower Body - Glutes
you need: elevated surface for thrusts, dumbbells, big band, mini band, step
check in: full range hip thrust, hold + knee abductions, curtsy + 3/4 rep, banded kickback
4/28: Total Body Supersets
You need: ball, dumbbells, kettlebell
Check in: deadlift squat press, burpee + bicep curl, kneel to knee drive
4/26: Upper Body - Core
you need: big band, heavy dumbbell, step, sliders, ball
check in: snatch to windmill, cross body switch pivot, plank toner, slam to row slam
4/23: Lower Body - Hamstrings
You need: big bands, mini band, heavy dumbbells, kettlebell, sliders OR ball
Check in: sumo deadlift, good morning, single leg deadlift, kettlebell swing
4/21: Total Body Circuits
You need: dumbbells, kettlebell, step
check in:
cross over knee drive press to squat
plank pull thru
side to side shuffle+press
ski swing to ski curl
4/19: Upper Body - Back, Chest, Abs
you need: 10-20lb dumbbells, 5-10lb dumbbells, step, big band, kettlebell, ball
check in: bent over row, bent over fly, laying fly, plank row
4/16: Lower Body - Quads
you need: dumbbells, kettlebell, step, slider, big band - light to medium resistance
check in:
hang squat to goblet squat
ninja squat to step hop - or mod/sub
narrow squat to offset squat - or sub
squat pivot
4/14: Total Body - Superset METCON
You need: dumbbells, kettlebell, ball
Check in: ball slam, deadlift single arm row, ski swing
4/12: Upper Body - Shoulders & Abs
You need: mini band, kettlebell, moderately heavy dumbbells, light weight dumbbells, ball. *optional: sliders, step
Check in:
snatch, lateral raise + rotation, plank tuck, v-sit